Sensual Dance (Group)

25.00 inc VAT



Develop a relationship with your body’s sensuality & feminine essence
Somatic dance with the focus on sensuality & pleasure expansion
Learn to open the pelvis for pelvic health and well-being
Move fluidly between intimacy with self, pleasure & playfulness
Express openly via all the senses

How it works:
Physically create space and juiciness in the pelvic religion
Imagine making love to the floor & your surroundings as you dance
Reconnect with pleasure & sensuality inside your body
Feel safe in your sensuality & in your body
Appreciate your yummy, delicious & fluid pelvis as you move

Increases feelings of self-expression sensuality & pleasure
Restoring women to a state of wholeness
Improvements in women’s senses of autonomy & overall quality of life
Feel more sensual in your life
Go beyond repression & feelings of shame