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In the past the perception was that energy was on the outside and that it was limited. Call in the energies that are already within you and go limitless. Find your own energy centre.
Go beyond drama and blame
Take ownership & responsibility for yourself
Realise your own sovereignty
Release the past & future to come back to the now moment
Go beyond ancestral programming
Stay clean, clear and aware by drawing energy from within
Go beyond power dynamics
Learn how to set healthy boundaries, respect yourself and manage your own energy
Learn how to communicate and hear yourself and thus improve your communications with others
Enjoy a healthy creative energy exchange
with yourself and others.
Together we also look at sexual, psychic and spiritual abuse to become aware of additional dynamics that might be draining your energy.
Take a look at your own sexual relationships with other people. Is that experience that you’re having with them loving, is it joyful or can you feel the feeding going on? Do they accept you and love you for who you are?
What if you had a relationship, even if it’s only with yourself. That’s about love, honour and joy!
Together we will:
Create a safe space beyond blockages and walls
Open up to all energies, dark & light
Let your issues come forward
Energies have to be honest and true
Bring compassion to old energies of abuse
Clear yourself of abuse virus, which will change your past & future
Re-balance of masculine (support) & feminine (creative) energies
Learn how to shift interdimensionally
Return to balanced sexuality
Become aware of energy leaks
Create awareness around how the sexual energy virus causes a breakdown in the system and how this consciousness virus shape shifts, presents itself as hate, anger and sugar coated love, how it twists & distorts reality and feeds in the mind. How it keeps you small, in a low state, dark & depressed.
Schedule now for a free 30 minute Discovery Call to get to know each other and find out if we want to work together.
After the session, you will receive an e-mail with payment instructions to book your full 1:1 session.
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