Allowing Magic

Enjoy this month’s dance video called „Allowing Magic“. You can find the accompanying playlist on Soundcloud.

As most of you know, I have spent the second half of January participating in an Ecstatic Dance DJ & Facilitator Training with the Wakamaia School of Sacred Fun in Bali. Hence it’s been a little quiet here. The course was held online via Zoom (online meeting platform) and Thinkific (online learning platform) and it went over 10 days with 3 days break in between. It was truly awesome but quite intense. We now have 90 days left to carry out Empowerment Projects showcasing off what we learnt about the technical side of being an Ecstatic Dance DJ from beat matching, looping, applying filters and mixing of songs.

It was quite a steep learning curve to learn Ecstatic Dance DJ skills from looping, to harmonic mixing, using filters like „Reverb“ to give a song a spacey sound and playing with volume, filter and tempo bars. I’ve also learnt how to mix sound effects into my songs ie either overlay someone’s voice on top of a song, add a snare or a drum beat as well as mix in some sound healing i.e. like the sound of crystal bowl or hang drums.

On the facilitation side, I’ve learnt how to set an energetic space, how to start and end an Ecstatic session as well as learn how to build an „Ecstatic Dance Journey“ consisting of 6 waves. I also learnt not to tire out people along the way and make sure the music is balanced i.e. not have too much chaotic music at once for example.

It is quite different being an Ecstatic Dance DJ compared to being a normal DJ in a disco. The reason being is that the range of music played by an Ecstatic Dance DJ is quite wide ranging from 85 beats per minute to 145 bpm, down to 75 bpm again during a whole dance set. Also the different songs include music from different genres like Base, House, Tribal, Funk, Instrumental, Ethnic Music, Ancestral, Ambient, World Music, Medicine Music, Shamanic Sounds, Nature Sounds etc…AND last but not least, a good Ecstatic Dance DJ creates the below dance journey across 6 waves:

Wave 1: Arrival and welcoming music

Wave 2: Build up, thriving and playful music to get energies rising

Wave 3: Chaotic, orgasmic, wild, soaring, for cathartic release

Wave 4: Cruise, steady, unwavering music to recharge

Wave 5: Nostalgic, lyrical from peak into heart music

Wave 6: Integration & stillness music, meditation for integration

So you can imagine, there’s quite a lot to learn. At the end of our Ecstatic Dance DJ training we had a live Zoom dance event where we all had a part to contribute. My part was to finish off the dance session with a toning exercise. I was way out of my comfort zone.

Read the full post on Patreon here

Dance as a form of self love & self care

Inspiration for today’s dance video: Today I wanted to share with you why I love dancing and the benefits of dancing the way I perceive them.

Dance to me is a form of self love, self care & form of embodiment. Embodiment is about the experience of how it feels to live inside of your body compared to looking at yourself from an outside perspective and judging yourself. It is about learning to trust in the authority of your own body experience. It is about practicing „Intuitive Self Care“.

Dance is about connecting me to who I am.

Your dance moves are a language of your feelings at a particular moment in time. Through dance, you can convey emotions and narrate stories with your body that you may not otherwise communicate verbally.

When you dance without restrictions and limitations, truly feeling and experiencing yourself, you embody the art of dance. Dance then takes over the body and becomes a cathartic humanizing experience.

People who dance benefit from increased rhythm, balance, coordination and they experience mental well-being.

Dance is joyful, fun, entertaining, expressive, and healthy. It enhances the quality of life and is effective in bettering emotional health and self-confidence. It also helps you improve cardiovascular health, balance, strength, flexibility, coordination and spatial awareness.

Dance is such great physical fitness, because it incorporates movements on all planes or motion and from all directions. It is also a safety valve that releases pent-up emotions, tensions and drives.

Sometimes we do not have the mature capacity to express ourselves verbally with coherent articulation; emotions are bottled up, unresolved, tense, and repressed. Dance and creative movements are known to reach out to the depth of the unconscious aspects of the mind and effectively mobilize the blocked psychic content.

Dance is proven to be a powerful method to enhance the tendency to be conscious and present in everyday life and therefore, dancers can be more mindfully centred, emotionally regulated, and cognitively balanced

Individuals can improve their self-esteem through dance by feeling the kinaesthetic joy of movement, making physical fitness a part of their lives, and feeling a sense of self-empowerment. The achievement comes through the mind-body integration that is dance—making the body respond to the mind’s dictate while being aware of bodily messages.

It is about you expressing yourself through dance that is important, not about the dance itself. There is no judgment on your dancing. I see dance as an applied art form!

Dance helps people with their mental health, including information retention, stress relief, and improved self-confidence. It is a cleanser for mind and soul.

Usually after hitting the dance floor, I am ready to go on, and create with more clarity.

Dance is an outlet for me. No matter what is going in life, I always have a place to let my emotions out and feel better. It helps me both physically and mentally. Dance is a stress reliever.

I dance because sometimes I have trouble verbally expressing how I feel. Dancing makes me feel free and it helps with my anxiety at times. I dance to express my emotions through movement.

It’s like an outlet for me and I really enjoy dancing. Dancing makes me happy and it teaches me to challenge myself to exercise in a way that is fun.

I dance because it frees me from whatever I may be feeling; I can pour out my emotions and be myself.

Dance is life. I love to express myself and dance is the avenue I choose to express myself through. Express myself in ways, words can’t. It’s like I am speaking through dance. When you dance you get to show whatever emotion you’re feeling. If you’re happy or sad, you can show that through your dancing.

I feel like when I dance, no one can judge me by the way I dance, because I have to put my own spice into it. It is my own unique dance of the soul, song of the soul that I am expressing through dance. It is unique to me and who I am.

Dance is a catalyst, an initiator. Dancing makes me feel happy and watching other people put their own flavour into their dance moves makes me even more happy.

When I dance, I feel refreshed afterwards, rejuvenated. It allows stress relief, increases my memory & alertness, focus and self-confidence. It allows for a joyful self-expression & emotional exploration.

Dance Exercise: During today’s dance notice how dance is fuelling and feeding you. Become aware of how you feel before, during and after the dance.

Sometimes before I am about to dance, I feel fatigued but actually during and after the dance I become more energised and feel more alive.

Comment below and let me know how dancing impacts you in your life!

Committing to life & going all in

Inspiration for today’s dance: Do you know the feeling when you are dilly dallying? Taking 5 steps forward and 10 steps back? When you’re feeling excited one minute and then totally exhausted, fearful and confused the next? When you put one toe into the water and then take it out again?

It’s normal on the journey of self realisation. Doubt and fear, all sorts of stuff will come up that make you question whether you are for real and whether the path you on is for real. Especially when you walk the path of the unknown where there is no „path ahead“ and you are carving it. All you have left is self trust and little guidance.

When you are going all in and committing to life, you will have to put yourself into a state of focus and presence. You will have to make a commitment to you.

A commitment to yourself to take time for you & giving yourself the things you need.
The gift of abundance, love from others, healthy biology, whatever you want to create. Imagine your soul singing to you & you totally accepting yourself.

Are you committed to making this the best life?
Are you committed to your relationships?
Are you committed to life?
Are you committed to your creations?

Turn your dreams into reality without agenda. Let go of the outcome but give it 100%.

Take control over your fears and turn them into your biggest motivation. Find a way of using them, and they will give you the energy you need to keep moving ahead.

It will give you a sense of direction and it will be a guide for all your decisions.

No whining how bad your situation is.

No wishing for better circumstances.

Instead, you are training yourself to take action. Training yourself to play within your own creation. Use all the resources that you have. Focus on a single project. Go all in on that project.

Everything else is inaction, the inability to commit and dependency on external circumstances.

There is a large difference between people who are willing to go all in on a project, and people who are paralysed by their fear. People who are willing to go all in, are putting themselves into a mindset of unshakeable commitment. These people are using whatever resources are at their disposal, to turn their dreams into reality.

They turn their fear of failure into their strongest motivator.

They focus all their attention on one single goal.

As a result, they gain the ability to keep moving ahead. No matter what happens, their unshakeable commitment drives them toward.

Finally, there is just one question left to ask.

How about you?

Are you willing to go all in?

Dance Instructions: Go all in with your dance today. Commit to the dance and commit to life, commit to the now moment.

Ghosts from the past – Halloween Special

Inspiration for today’s dance: Sometimes old ghosts, aspects from the past, wounds, traumas come around for a visit. Old emotional stories trying to seduce you. They are like echoes from the past who try and get your attention and do anything to get some of your time in the now moment.

What if those ghosts are welcomed to the dancefloor of life, they can dance but they no longer have a power over you. You can even dance with them, knowing you are your own sovereign being.

When you make decisions in your life, the energy of separation has it so you find it very difficult and challenging, and by default then the decisions are made for you by mass consciousness, by your old ghosts and demons or by things outside of you.

Once you assume or re-assume authority of yourself as a sovereign being and start making decisions, this energy from the outside sources will blow right through you. It will keep you unaffected. You won’t be diminished by any of these energies that are trying to hold back your own reunion of masculine and feminine energies.

Whether it’s a past life, whether it’s anything in this lifetime, consciousness is generally placed in things like failure and struggle, hardship, suffering, traumas. The consciousness that you have of your past is not truth. Not the real truth. But often times people put consciousness at the most difficult, depressing and dark points of their past. And there they sit, these little particles of limited consciousness, and then they’re separated from the main consciousness, which would be your divine, your Free Self. It’s still consciousness, but then it starts coming back to you in limited thought and memory.

It comes back in a very perverse way – bad memories, stuck energy, ghosts, doubts and darkness. Your past, it doesn’t want that. It really doesn’t. It doesn’t want that limitation. It wants full consciousness, the full light!

When you let go of your past, it changes history, not just your history but the one from the planet too.

Dance Instructions: Take your ghosts from the past (old fears & traumas) by the hand and invite them onto your dancefloor, show them that you have no fear, you are the sovereign creator now.

Yes & No! The dance of integrity!

Inspiration for today’s dance video: How many times have you said yes, when you meant no? Hearing your body yes and no is not always easy and to express it authentically, is a whole other challenge. To honour your body yes and no means to be in tune, to be self-disciplined without getting swayed by others. It requires practice. It requires scanning your body for your truth each time you make a decision. It’s having the ability to feel, hear, perceive and sense yourself.

So many people going through awakening & self-realisation are not yet sensitive to the body, to its subtle sensations. Most people have the volume of their body talk turned way down, are feeling numb and insensitive to the body’s signals. Especially if you have been a shape shifter to please other people’s expectations and desires. Often we make decisions based on somebody else’s desires and it becomes our modus operandi.

If we don’t know what we want, feel, is true for us, if we don’t feel safe asking for it, then we freeze and flow with what is polite and expected. This compliance is an old survival mechanism to not get kicked out of the community we are part of. When we don’t know how to feel safe and ask for our needs, we agree to something we don’t want and feel dishonoured, getting frustrated along the way.

Imagine saying yes to a project you don’t really want to engage in and it takes up all your own precious energy or you have sex with someone when you are really not in the mood. That’s giving your power away and you dismiss your own inner wisdom. That’s compromising. It takes trust, courage and self-respect, each time you honour your body. This is confidence building.

Start with the small things in life! What does your body say yes to eating, drinking, sleeping or creating?

As you build trust in the small yes’s in life, you grow your own capacity for bigger „yes dreams“ to be lived. A yes usually comes through a body sensation, which oftentimes, a lot of people are numb to because the volume of their body talk is turned down or they have ignored those signals many times. Imagine turning that volume wayyyyyy up and actually listening to the signal. Turn it up to the maximum. Feel that yes. When you start cultivating the sensitivity, it is much easier to trust it.

Become aware when you agree to something and it is not a true yes, or when you are saying no but actually want to say yes. Take action and it builds further sensitivity. Building trust in your body, begins with trusting what you feel right now. Start honouring your yes and no more. Also, become aware when you are part of a group and you are just saying yes to something because the majority in the group is saying yes, but your own truth is a no. Honour your own sovereign yes and no’s and don’t be afraid to be the odd sheep out!

This is the starting point to develop greater sensitivity within yourself.

One of the first things going through self-realisation I had to learn was to get back into my body again and listen to its signals, so I could keep my own sense of balance. In the past I was way, way, way out of balance most of the time because I lived outside of my body and had little self-awareness. I would be swimming in everybody else’s flow.

I had to become aware of what my body is telling me it needs right now in terms of people, food, creations, sleep, self-love, etc. I had to learn to manage the people around me so I would only connect with them when it feels good and not out of „automatism“ or „patterning“. I became more aware when something feels good and when it no longer feels good, starting from the use of technology, Social Media use, phone use…and when I needed time off.

I quickly became aware of the switch when something moved from feeling good to starting to get abusive. Sometimes that switch would happen very quick because I didn’t quite spot it at first, ignored it and then it would get louder and louder. I needed to pay attention to honour my own sense of balance, which I had to develop at first.

Another thing that was really challenging was to stay authentic. During self-realisation I literally felt like I was fragmented, my aspects had taken over the driver’s seat and were constantly shape shifting. I also hadn’t integrated my wisdom in real-time just yet. I still had chopped parts and pieces of myself off and wasn’t in full acceptance and honouring of my entire self. I wasn’t showing all of me, only parts of me that I thought were accepted.

I would still bend over and mould myself to other people’s needs. Wisdom was always coming after the experience vs. now it can be experienced simultaneous. I wasn’t able to be authentic real-time, I was always catching up on realisation hours/days/weeks later. Often times people told me they can’t trust me because I was still developing aspects to protect and shield myself from the truth, I was still moulding myself into shape for what I thought was expected of me in each moment. I was protecting rather than being „real“ in „real-time“.

Being a people pleaser by nature in the past, I was also easily seduced by outside energies. I could see how outside energies started to work on me and I wanted to play into energy dynamics of others instead of staying true to myself. I had a real challenge to stick to my yes and no’s without being swayed by the other person, change my position to please someone else or play into their expectations.

Finally, I had to learn to be self-disciplined, meaning I had to learn to stick to my word and act on it, not to constantly twist my own truth for others. Trust me, it is a real art and discipline to master! Embodiment is key otherwise I would lose trust in myself and situations became highly confusing, self-abusive and I would start self-fragmenting again to please others. I lost myself many times in the outside world during self-realisation only to find myself eventually coming back to my own sense of balance again, but each time I returned I was able to stay home with my sense of self longer. With my Yes’s and No’s a little louder each time.

Dance Instructions: During today’s dance I am going to invite you to:

1) Feel your body throughout the whole dance

2) Feel how a yes feels in your body through dance

3) Feel how a no feels in your body through dance

Dance your own dance of integrity!

In the past, I have been quick to override my no and turned it into yes to please someone else. The closer you get to the truth, to the core of you, the more important it becomes to stay aligned with that truth. You are becoming more sensitive to yourself and other people, and it’s easy to mistake other people’s stuff as yours. It’s quite easy to get out of balance.

In order to stay true to yourself, you need to have a sense of alignment within yourself. An integrity within yourself. The ability to act on your intuition and knowingness. Once you have that within yourself, you can also have it with others in various situations i.e. work, playtime, sexy time, etc. Once consent and integrity are there and you can stick to your word, you trust yourself. Then people can also respect your „truth“ and they can either meet you in your truth, or not.

Be prepared to lose people every time you speak your truth and know that this is part of life.

Let’s see if you can stay connected to your body throughout the whole dance.

I’ll challenge you 🙂

The entire full length dance video is included in the Sensual Dance Package available here:

Dance into your new life!

Inspiration for this dance video: During self realisation there comes a point where you step into your new life. The new life that is free from all the old identities, wounds, protective aspects, facades and the all so familiar suffering. They are no longer needed. It’s about conscious creation & instantaneous wisdom in the moment.

You go into the I exist, beyond controlling the world around you. The human will start to relax and not create yet another identity. You no longer need to worry or push a human agenda.

In the new life the experiences are rich, beautiful, joyful, sensual & fulfilling.

In the transition from the old into new, there are still a few aspects that are kicking and screaming, some wanting control or suffering before they integrate. Simply allow them to move through and know it’s time for them to come home. Stay in your safe space and in a place of compassion.

Know that your own intuition is guiding your new life and everything you need is going to be just there for you. Have compassion for yourself for all the suffering and all the determination you endured to get you here.

Energy is going to be very tailored to you where you can experience without lessons, right or wrong. It’s about creating without having a predetermined outcome.

Dance Instructions: During today’s dance see if you can feel your „I exist“ which is free from identities, it’s pure consciousness, free from thought or preconceived ideas. See if you can dance into your new life without any overlays and allow yourself to feel your free energy body in the dance. Shake off any old anxiety and feel what it’s like to dance your own dance of sovereignty and freedom into your new life.

The entire full length dance video is included in the Sensual Dance Package available here: