What is Ecstatic Dancing?

Sensual Dance Journey
As an Ecstatic Dance DJ I listen to a lot of music, to find songs that evoke feelings and make your body tingle. Music helps people shift from one state to another, it can provide a healing experience for people who fragment or dissociate themselves. AND music simply wants to make the body move! I then carefully place the tracks in a perfect order to make sure they follow a dance wave, starting from slow music, building up to ecstatic music and then taking you down into a more cruising, landing and integration space. Creating a sensual dance journey for you to enjoy.

Safe & Judgment Free Space
There is no self judgement on the online or physical dance floor. I provide a safe space where judgment and the illusion of separation have an opportunity to dissolve. Making room for wholeness, empowerment and community. Allow yourself to move freely without editing or judging yourself. We create and release a lot of energies in the space during the dance.

Storytelling through dancing
Dancing is like storytelling, often times it is also a birthing & rebirthing of yourself. Express the story of who you are at a particular point in time, knowing you might end up in a different place after the dance. Allow the song of your soul to come out, who you are before the „thinking mind starts to filter“. Ecstatic Dancing allows you to express yourself in a way that you can’t through words or sound. You can even use blindfolds if it allows you to go deeper inside of yourself.

Let the body move you, rather than you controlling it
Ecstatic Dancing is about feeling, going inward and dancing from a space of inside yourself, rather than outside of yourself where you are judging every move that you make.

Sound Baths, Cacao Ceremony & Sharing Circle
I often like to finish an Ecstatic Dance session with a relaxing sound bath. A sound bath is usually a calm music accompanied by music instruments, crystal bowls or nature sounds. I also like to give people the opportunity after the dance to have a short break to prepare a sacred cacao or tea and for us to drink together after the dance and during our sharing circle. The sharing circle is an opportunity to exchange with other members of the dance community, share how you feel and what’s going on or what has shifted with you during the dance. Sometimes I might also chose to read a passage from a book.

Collaborations with painters, musicians, consciousness pioneers and other interesting artists
I also like to introduce interesting people within or outside my community who I feel inspired or connected to. These could be musicians, painters, tarot readers, consciousness pioneers or otherwise interesting people.

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